Commissions, Adaptations, & Collaborations, Oh My! image
I have been lucky enough to work on Commissions for clients requiring scripts fitting a particular genre or filming requirement, treatments for documentaries, concept pitches, and more. Interested in enlisting my services? Summon me and tell me a little more about your idea, so I can start drafting something.

Modern or subtle Adaptations are a particular delicacy of mine. Whether it is a full modernization of mythology such as Hindsight, an allusion to classical philosophies apparent in Role of a Lifetime, or even the haunting prequel of a familiar character like Peter, adaptations become unique stories in and of themselves through the twists and turns found within the crevices of familiar tales.

Collaborations with fellow artists is one of my favorite ways to tell story.  I have collaborated on Performance Art with storytellers from all walks of life. I've helped develop new work as a Stage Manager,  experimented with improvisation and play, bounced ideas off writers, lead poets in the experimental suturing of a new kind of performance drama, and commissioned others to create a tale that was not mine to write. Storytelling is collaboration, and one I enjoy doing with equally committed and passionate artists. Interested in collaborating? I love adding pots to the fire, let's simmer something; summon me and let's chat.